onsdag 29 april 2009

Sveriges skyldighet??

På Sverigedemokraternas hemsida finns ett inlägg om skyldigheten för Sverige att bistå muslimer när det gäller omskärelse. Jag hittade en intressant kommentar från en immigrant från tredje världen.

Kommentar från: isd [Besökare]
Sweden should stop to give money, to accepet demands nor to make any law because of religious issues.

You choose your religion, you have the obligation to adapt it to swedish laws/culture/society and period. Or go away!

Sweden is a non-religion state, many tax payers are not religious, it's not right that we finance the faith of others, it's more than enough that we already pay for terrible consequences(like the growth of rape, f.ex.) of some criminal aspects of some harmful religions that has nothing to do with Sweden.

I'm immigrant from 3rd. world and I'm TIRED of 3rd. world immigrants trying to build the same hell hole where they came from to destroy Sweden as much as they have destroyed their countries.

For God sake, go back to your country if you like and want to live in a hell hole, but don't demand swedes to accept the destruction of Sweden by 3rd. world harmful cultures. Stop to envy, stop to be victims, stop to make children and/or fights and learn to be civilized and work like swedes.

If 3rd. world cultures were good, 3rd. world countries wouldn't be wonderful like Sweden.

I want Sweden to be preserved swedish. I don't want Sweden to become Sverabia, Sverafika, Svelatin nor some other hell hole.

Kommentar från: isd [Besökare]
CORRECTION: "If 3rd. world cultures were good, 3rd. world countries 'WOULD' be wonderful like Sweden.


4 kommentarer:

Milla sa...

Det där kunde ingen annan ha sagt bättre.

Gammelsvensk sa...

Skulle tro att han inte är ensam bland invandrare om sin åsikt.

Milla sa...

Nä, där tror vi samma sak.

Anonym sa...

Väldigt bra kommentar, lika klar som Pat Condell brukar tala. Måste spridas. Milla och gammelsvensk, detta är vad jag fått höra i många år från våra äldre invandrare. De kan inte förstå meningen med massinvandringen och slår ifrån sig med båda armarna.